Enga's sand painting art, brings the colours of the Earth to life, using the unusual medium of sand which is ground from the myriad of different coloured stones and earth found in the province.

Enga's sand painting evolved out of the workshop at the Take Anda in the late 1970's and early 1980's and has become a contemporary art style that is distinctly Engan. Artworks, typically depict scenes of Enga's traditional life and local wildlife, particularly the birds. Portraits of well known figures are also popular.

Sand painting begins by selecting colours naturally occurring in the Earth and grinding these to a fine sand.
The outline of scenes and subjects are then drawn on to wooden boards before the colouring in process starts.
Glue is painted on the boards where sand of the colour chosen will be sprinkled by hand to the board, sticking to the glue, which dries it into place.
The true artistic skill comes from the experience of knowing which colours to place where, to truly bring out these natural colours, shades and contrasts.

Following the establishment of the Take Anda Museum in the late 1970's, Museum Director, Akii Timu was looking for an activity to be centred there, that could bring out the creativity of Enga's people and provide an opportunity to make and income particularly for school leavers.
With the challenge of finding a cheap and readily available medium to use, he turned to the colours of the Earth and began experimentin to create Enga's first sand paintings.
Soon he was able to attract interested young men who became his first apprentices and a new contemporary artform was born.

At the Take Anda Gallery, which is on the museum grounds, you can see sand painting on display and see the artists at work in the workshop.
The gallery also displays some of the original sand paintings and you can see how the style has evolved over the years. You will also find sand paintings displayed for sale and can even commission your own directly from the artists here.
The Take Anda sand painting gallery is in Wabag Town. Admission is free of charge.